It’s important to take time out and give a special thank you for all the feedback and support I’ve received from the community. My passion to give back and see growth from others has been the motivational drive behind all I do in the community. From charity work, to speaking engagements in the different organizations I am affiliated with.
I’m pleased to share I have some exciting speaking engagements coming up. Some within MGS Counseling Therapy Services, LLC along with other organizations in the community.
I was recently a speaker at a Young Women’s Forum that was sponsored by Shekinah Mountain Bible Fellowship (SMBF). It was a great event and turn out from the youth in the community. As a speaker it’s important that the message you are presenting is relevant to your audience. It was pleasing to get immediate feedback from the young ladies in attendance on how the event impacted them. I am pleased to say I was asked to speak again at the next Young Women’s Forum in June. Yea!!! I’m so excited and looking forward to speaking.
In addition to the Young Women’s Forum. I’ll be speaking at the CSMoM General Meeting next Tuesday night. August 27, 2016 MGS Counseling and Therapy Services, LLC will have a second MGS Women’s Empowerment Workshop. I have been asked to speak at a Couples Retreat in August and speak in a series on “How To Live Your Most Extraordinary Life”. I look forward to all these upcoming events and future ventures.
I will update on all dates and locations in future posts. Again thank you for all the support and the continued feedback on what you want and need from The Parent Counselor (T.P.C).
If you have questions or comments follow us on Facebook (Link provided below) and share your thoughts.
Till the next time.
Live, Laugh, Love
T.P.C (The Parent Counselor)
Gail Wilson is a Therapist, Life Coach and Public Speaker in South Florida. Mrs. Wilson works with mothers dealing with postpartum and fathers who have difficulty with transitional changes after a new child. In addition Mrs. Wilson works with individuals, couples and families to find their inner strength and resolve interpersonal and relational conflicts. To schedule an appointment with Mrs. Wilson call (754) 999-0410 or contact by email at [email protected]