Hello T.P.C followers, it’s been a little times since my last post. Many changes have taken place but there is one that sticks out the most. Yes you know it, it’s with the little ones. So once again I’m sharing with you all a proud parent moment. My littlest one has his first tooth coming through the gums. Yea!!!!! These are those great events that you are so proud about. As apparent at times you may even feel that you are helping these proud moments along. There is no harm in sharing amongst the ones you love and care for. Just remember to document these special moments so when your little one gets all big and grown, you can show them some of their first achievements.
I will admit that even for myself I am not always documenting each little moment when I would like. I am taking a lot of mental notes but we all know that will not last too long. So after this post I have all intentions to get the baby books and fill it in some more. Life is always going to be busy and full of moments that are unexpected. Don’t let the memories of you little ones always take the back seat. This is just a small moment from my family to yours. Thank you as always for the love and your time in taking a quick read.
Until the next post, this is a friendly story from your local T.P.C (The Parent Counselor)
Gail Wilson is a Therapist, Life Coach and Speaker in South Florida. Gail works with mothers dealing with postpartum and fathers whom are having difficulty with transitional changes with a new child. In addition Gail works with individuals, families and couples to find their inner strength and resolve interpersonal and relational conflicts. To schedule an appointment with Gail call (754) 999-0410 or her email at [email protected].