Ask Mrs. Wilson
Questions from Mom’s of Multiples! It’s always a pleasure to talk with other women who support and uplift one another. It was no different this past week talking with the Women of CSMOM and having a great discussion on marriage and parenting. We spoke about relationship with our spouses and some of the bumps we […]
Couples Connection Workshop
If this looks familiar…it is time to come to our Couples Connection Workshop This two day Couples Connection workshop will include the following topics: Correcting your communication style Restoring and staying in love Intimacy and the style of love …and plenty more! Come and join me at the Couples Connection Workshop as we work on […]
Purpose & Meaning: MGS Women’s Empowerment Workshop
Purpose & Meaning What is your Purpose & Meaning? Are you being heard in your relationships? Why haven’t you elevated in your business? These are some of the questions asked by women who attended the MGS Women’s Empowerment Workshops. After attendees took part in our workshops they were able to present a […]
Faces of Vulnerability
Faces of Vulnerability Many of my learning moments come from my clients. From groups to therapeutic sessions to speaking at conferences and workshops. One this that remains consistent across the different arenas, the word vulnerability makes people run for the hills. Is it the word? Or the idea of what they will need to do […]
5 Ways to Recognize if You’re in Need of Therapeutic Services
5 Ways to Recognize if You’re in Need of Therapeutic Services: Before seeking therapy, most people are in denial that they need counseling. These are 5 ways to know that it is time to seek professional help: 1. Bitterness Do you find yourself avoiding people because something upset you? Are you constantly in a bad […]
How Do I Find a Credible Family Law Attorney in the Hectic Time of Divorce?
How Do I Find a Credible Family Law Attorney in the Hectic Time of Divorce? Chances are that if you are asking this question in the ‘hectic time of divorce” you are already significantly behind in the process. That does not mean that you will not be able to find the right attorney and bring […]
From a Freshman, with Love
Going into my junior year now, I wish I could have expressed what I was going through at that time to my parents. This is a letter I believe many freshmen can relate to. From a Freshman, With Love Dear Mom and Dad, I’m sorry I don’t call as often as I should. See, it’s […]
Forgotten Beauty
Forgotten Beauty The topic of discussion at my house for the past few weeks has been our living room. “It’s ugly and outdated. We need to fix it”, I would tell my father. It wasn’t until a friend of mine came over and made me realize something. The moment she stepped her foot inside my […]
Parenting? What’s that?
Parenting? What’s That? Parenting? What’s that? I can’t tell you how many times I have heard this from expecting or new parents. Grandparents that have to take over the role of mom or dad due to a change in the family structure. For some an addition to the family can be a scary thing. So […]
Decide Your Impact
Decide Your… The second I walked into the hospital room, Jaime, my great-grandfather’s brother, greeted me with bright blue eyes that I instantly knew belonged to a man with a beautiful soul. He then grabbed my hand with the last bit of energy he had and flashed a genuine smile, as […]