Lifting your Self-Esteem through Self-Acceptance: Part IV

So as our journey drew to an close, the ladies of the MGS Sister Circle found that they had challenged themselves to explore areas that had become sensitive to the touch.  They had challenged themselves to look beyond the surface and explore the deep hurts that they have covered for so long in order to find […]

Thank You!

It’s important to take time out and give a special thank you for all the feedback and support I’ve received from the community. My passion to give back and see growth from others has been the motivational drive behind all I do in the community. From charity work, to speaking engagements in the different organizations I […]

Trials of Motherhood

Trials of Motherhood! I can’t help but to laugh at the many things some mothers have to go through. Many times I just have to shake my head at it all. Well once again I have a situation and I had to look for some solutions for my problem. On many occasions I too have […]

Lifting your Self-Esteem through Self-Acceptance: Part III

And so the journey to self-acceptance continues.  The ladies of the MGS Sister Circle met to tackle the last six steps to self-acceptance and what a time it was.   The journey continued with “grieving the loss of unrealized dreams“.  How many of us still hold on to what might have been instead of re-creating […]

Lifting your Self-Esteem through Self-Acceptance: Part II

As we continue on this journey of Self-Acceptance, the Ladies of the MGS Sister Circle reviewed some of their responses to the first six ways that are suggested to work on accepting yourself.  Some of their responses led to interesting discussions on the types of people that we choose to associate with, our need to […]

Lifting your Self-Esteem through Self-Acceptance: Part I

Millions of women, all over this world, struggle with low self-esteem.   Many are as a result of emotional, physical, mental and/or sexual abuse.  Many times the abusers are family members or loved ones whom these women trusted, loved and relied upon to keep them safe.   The ladies of the MGS Sister Circle discussed […]

Who Am I?

As the women of the MGS Sister Circle pondered this question, it became very clear that the answer is much more complex than just giving a description.  We discussed the various components of our lives that we use to answer this age old question, such as our relationship with others, our professions, how others see […]

Be Free

As lovers / daughters / wives / workers / mothers / grandmothers, we can be pulled in many directions.  Sometimes it feels as if we are at the hub of a wheel, keeping all the spokes in place so that the people in our lives can function. This feeling of being needed can limit our […]

Make the world a better place

It doesn’t take monumental feats to make the world a better place.  It can be as simple as letting someone go ahead of you in a grocery line.  ~Barbara Johnson


When something robs you of your peace of mind, ask yourself it if is worth the energy you are expending on it.  If not, then put it out of your mind in an act of discipline.  Every time the thought of “it” returns, refuse it.  ~Kay Arthur

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